The Power of a Morning Routine – Part 3

“It is in the early morning hour that the unseen is seen, and that the far-off beauty and glory, vanquishing all their vagueness, move down upon us till they stand clear as crystal close over against the soul.”

Sarah Smiley




Welcome back to the conversation on The Power of a Morning Routine. This is the final edition of this 3-part series where we have explored what a morning routine is, the benefits, how to get started and more.

Today we re-iterate what makes a great morning routine, how it starts the night before, whether to use an alarm clock and summarise all the goodness.


“Waking up this morning, I smile. 24 brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment.”

Thich Nhat Hanh






Really what makes a  great morning routine depends on what you’re into. As the quote below suggests, some routines are very healthy and others are more about freedom and pleasure. Remember the key aspect of a morning routine is that it makes you feel good.


“Some routines are all about early morning exercise and spartan living; others are more leisurely and self-indulgent. What they have in common is they don’t feel like a chore. Once you land on the right routine, you’ll look forward to waking up”.

Spall and Xander





Some suggestions for creating a framework for a great morning routine include incorporating key aspects of our being –

Physical – movement, exercise, sleep, healthy food

Mental – self-growth, reading, new skills (guitar, foreign language)

Emotional – releasing negative emotions, creating positive emotions

Spiritual – tuning into wisdom, instinct, power, creativity

Credit – Robin Sharma




And also consider –

Nurturing yourself – exercise, spiritual and creative practices

Nurturing your goals – working on not in business, Look beyond today’s ‘to do’ list.

Nurturing your relationships – being present for family and friends

Credit – Laura Vanderkam









Having a healthy morning routine that empowers and inspires you means you need to have a good night’s sleep prior. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep. Have a soothing wind-down routine to support healthy sleep.

Turn off your phone

Being available 24/7 is overloading our nervous system, as is the lighting, beeping and emf’s. Keep your phone out of your bedroom and turn it off at night.

Make Lists

A productive morning could mean getting a head start the night before. Many successful people take time in the evening to write down three things they want to accomplish the next day. This can reduce morning stress and lead to increased productivity.






The early bird catches the worm”

John Ray


86% of successful people rise before 7 am

A yogic lifestyle recommends early rising to experience the stillness of that time & to align with the rising energy of the sun

The 5 AM Club – wake at 5 am & do 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of planning and 20 minutes of study. (Robin Sharma)







Be Grateful
*   silently say three things you’re grateful for or
*   write them down in a journal

University research from renowned psychologists shows that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with an increase in positive emotions, improved health, the capacity to deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

*   The breath is life & many of us are breathing ineffectively creating stress and affecting our health & wellbeing.
*   Breathe through the nose.
*   Inhale to expand diaphragm, belly, ribcage.
*   Exhale to empty and contract.

Don’t reach for your phone
*   Research has shown that our phones can cause us stress and anxiety.
*   Don’t have your phone in your bedroom at night.
*   Don’t turn your phone on until you have completed your morning routine & taken care of yourself.








How do I know which morning routine will be best for me?  Well, it shouldn’t feel like a chore. Answer these questions – What do you love to do? What gives you pleasure? What makes you feel good/positive/healthy/calm?

Suggestions to explore –

  • Move your body – walk, yoga, swim
  • Meditate, journal, mindfulness, art, create, affirmations
  • Self-growth – podcasts, books, leadership development
  • New skills – guitar, language, model building?
  • Human connection – be present with family or loved ones
  • Fuel – drink water to rehydrate after sleep, choose a healthy breakfast, make a ritual of your tea/coffee making and drinking








Choose your alarm wisely or not at all. For example, choose a comforting song/tune to wake to rather than a jarring blare that will stress your nervous system. If you do have an alarm, don’t press snooze!

Oprah is a proponent of not using an alarm. “I have never set an alarm, I don’t believe in them.  They are alarming! I put the number in my mind, and I wake up before that”.

Arianna Huffington wakes up naturally without an alarm clock. “Just think about the definition of the word alarm,” explains Huffington, “a sudden fear or distressing suspense caused by an awareness of danger. Beginning the day in such a startling manner creates a flood of stress hormones and adrenaline as our body prepares for danger. Not the best way to start the day!”






Eat a live frog first thing in the morning & nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day”

Mark Twain


Ok, this is not a literal instruction! The suggestion is that you do a more challenging task in the morning rather than later in the day. There are several reasons for this. One is that then it’s done and you won’t have that nagging feeling that you need to get onto it. The other is that we are more productive, efficient and calm in the morning.

It seems we can tackle a more challenging task in the morning with more grace and less effort than later in the day.






  • What makes a great morning routine? One that creates mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
  • Successful people use their mornings to nurture themselves, their goals and their relationships.
  • There are many psychological and physical benefits to having an early morning routine.
  • Neuroscience proves the value of a morning routine – activation of theta brain frequency, an increase of positive neurotransmitters, and the possibility of automaticity (being in the flow).
  • Ancient wellbeing systems highlighted the auspiciousness of mornings for health and productivity.
  • The successful, the genius and the icons don’t leave their mornings to chance.
  • The best morning routines start the night before – healthy wind-down activities, early to bed, sleep, writing lists.
  • Rising early – more productive, alert and that energy flows into the day.
  • Upon waking – offer gratitude, breathe, don’t reach for your phone.
  • Tips for morning routines – start by going to bed five minutes earlier, try one thing that you know makes you feel good, keep at it for 66 days, habit stacking, may include exercise, creativity, meditation.






Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.“

Richard Whately



This three-part series has explored The Power of Morning Routines. Here’s to a positive start to your days. Remember that –


“How you start your day is how you live your day. How you live your day is how you live your life”.

Lousie Hay





For a great morning Yoga routine get your hands on a copy of ‘I Am Thriving’, the Yoga & Affirmations Guide





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