“Qoya is a potent, magic and cathartic journey into our divine essence as empowered women.”

Kate Watkinson


Thrive in Light offers Qoya classes, rituals and ceremonies in  Southland & beyond! 

2023 gatherings will be held monthly in beautiful locations around Southland –

Specific details on each gathering can be found at Facebook events.

To book your space click below or contact Kate at 021 033 7626.

QOYA: wed 24 JUL 2024

Art Attic Gallery, Invercargill

6.00 – 7.45 pm


QOYA: WED 21 aug 2024

Art Attic Gallery, Invercargill

6.00 – 7.45 pm


QOYA: WED 18 sep 2024

Art Attic Gallery, Invercargill

6.00 – 7.45 pm


QOYA: wed 16 oct 2024

Art Attic Gallery, Invercargill

6.30 – 8.15 pm


QOYA: WED 11 dec 2024

Art Attic Gallery, Invercargill

6.30 – 7.45 pm



Qoya is a holistic practice for women incorporating the wisdom of Yoga, the freedom of dance & the wildness to enjoy being in our feminine body.

Qoya was developed by dancer, Yoga teacher and soul searcher Rochelle Schieck as a movement practice to empower women to get out of their heads and into their heart and bodies. The ethos of Qoya is that through our body’s movement we access the wisdom of our heart and soul. Through intention setting, breath awareness, movement, ritual & community connection, we learn to trust the physical sensation of truth in our bodies.


Our body is a compass by which we navigate our journey to the portal of our soul. We remember that our essence as women is Wise, Wild & Free.


The wisdom that comes from Yoga & conscious movement; breathing & intention.

“I am a wise woman who knows what path to take, who trusts herself, & sees the truth through the eyes of love. So are you”.


Being wild meaning to be untamed, to be free to dance with wild abandon.

“I am a wild woman who thrives as she creatively expresses herself, offering her unique gifts to the world. So are you”.


Free to express oneself authentically & safely; to experience pleasure in feminine movement.

    “I am a free woman, unbound & limitless in my capacity to revel in & receive pleasure. So are you”.

Rochelle Schieck


Each class has a theme that is embodied, music to set your soul on fire, dance & yoga, breathing, rest, sharing & an oracle card reading. 

Sacred space is set so all women feel safe and nurtured. Examples of themes include:

  • Embrace the Unknown
  • Ecstatic Authenticity
  • Free to Thrive
  • Sahaja – Oneness
  • Love Thyself
  • Rise and Shine

While the theme for each Qoya session changes there are 13 pillars which we always journey through:

  • Creating Sacred Space
  • Welcome – sharing the theme, oracle card reading
  • Breathing while setting an intention
  • Circling the body to embrace fluidity
  • Heart opening – moving from the heart with love and wisdom
  • Hip opening – sensual and feminine movement
  • Yoga – offering your yoga as prayer
  • Shadow – honouring the wholeness of you 
  • Shaking as a portal back to spirit
  • Choreographed Dance for sheer fun & to increase the mind/body connection
  • Free Dance – authentic and creative expression
  • Community Sharing – women being heard in a safe & sacred community
  • Stretching and final relaxation – integrating your Qoya journey through stillness


"A Qoya class is like a mini retreat for me and always helps to realign me to my truth. There is so much magic, power and healing in coming together with other women and sharing our journey."
"I love that there is no ‘wrong way’ and no judgement. Kate’s Qoya classes are safe spaces to let go and do what feels good and true. Qoya allows me to take ‘time out’, to connect with my intent and be open to the energy within and around me."
"Qoya allows me to feel and express everything I’m holding in my body with the essence of being wise, wild and free. The overall feeling is one of empowering acceptance."
“I am drawn to Kate’s Qoya classes as she feels very grounded in realness to me. There’s no pretending to be ‘spiritual’; just true, genuine sharing with depth, wisdom and fun."
"Kate is inviting, encouraging, accepting and inspiring. I am thankful I dared to try Qoya and really appreciate Kate’s guidance and the energy she puts into each class."
"I love Qoya – the freedom and release it creates is so healing. Kate brings a vibrant, peaceful and supportive energy to Qoya classes."


A soulful and empowering journey into your well-being awaits. A private 1:1 Qoya session is tailored to your intention and designed to bring you home to the innate wisdom within.

For some people a 1:1 session allows them to feel safe, present and nurtured without the distraction of other people. For other’s it’s about tailoring Qoya to a particular life challenge. Other people resonate with spiritual nourishment where breath, ritual and soul guidance are the motivation.

To begin we examine what is being called in you to create/heal/explore. An overarching theme and intention arises from this process then a playlist and session is designed specifically for you. Fabulous!


1:1 session’s can be held in my country home or I can travel to your chosen space.


The 1:1 Qoya session rate is $120 which includes determining your needs,  planning a theme & playlist and a 1.5 hour personal session to guide you. Travel rate is 80 cents per km to come to your home or chosen space.

“Imagine if you knew the pathways into yourself to access your inner wisdom, creativity, sensuality, & soul so that you could fully embody and express your intuition, do your sacred work, receive life’s blessings, & commune with the divine. This is what I invite you to explore in Qoya…”

Rochelle Schieck


To receive a potent Qoya playlist to rock your soul enter your details:


To register for a Qoya class or to find out more, contact Kate at 021 033 7626 or kate@thriveinlight.co.nz.

For inspirational and knowledgeable reads on Qoya please visit my Soul page.


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