Soul Chat with Kylie Wilson

Welcome to Soul Chat – Be Inspired by Thriving Women.

Meet Kylie Wilson from The Healing Heart creating sacred space for women to gather in circle.



Tell us how The Healing Heart came to be?

 It all started with an ad on Facebook!

‘Journey of Young Women’ was advertising their mentoring & coming of age training for girls circles & of course it kept reappearing.

I felt a deep pull/inner knowing that I had to this course. I remember how challenging my pre-teen & teenage years were. The frontal cortex (not that I knew this back then) shutting down for renovations, the physical changes to my body, social changes, as everyone figured who they were & where they fitted amongst friends.

The roller coaster of emotions & coping with this thing called a period! That & the fact that many young women don’t have the support of a female to navigate these challenging times was a driving force.

I am a qualified Homeopath, along with offering new & full moon women’s circles which all fitted perfectly under The Healing Heart umbrella.

My intention for The Healing Heart is to create a sacred (something that is treated with great respect), safe space for people to come. As people enter they feel the loving, nurturing embrace of this space, relaxing & releasing all they hold so tightly. This in turn allows each individual to honour their true authentic self & speak from their heart.





You specialise in gathering people in circles for healing. What does this mean?

When we come together in sacred circle, a safe space is created. It offers an opportunity for deep connection, finding your voice & speaking truths that are not spoken in our daily lives or perhaps ever.

Emotion is energy in motion. If we continue to hold it in our body there is no motion to move it forward.

Circle allows for these emotions to be released into a space of support, compassion, understanding & love. This sacred space has no place for judgment & allows us to heal from the shame, anger, guilt & many other emotions we carry. Not only from our own lives, but from those who have gone before.

Our generation is here to heal our lineage, the wounds stretching back many generations. We are also here to create change.

Circle offers the space to do this healing. For us to be vulnerable, inspired & uplift each other with the deepest compassion rather than tearing each other down with judgment, comparison & shame.

There is deep healing within being heard. Really heard!

Our lives are filled with busyness, pressures to get this & that done. To be this or that. To constantly be productive. Circle offers a space to just be. Come as you are.

There are so many unsatisfied people in our world, busy acknowledging everyone else’s needs except their own. Trying to please others & meet other’s expectations.

No wonder we have so many people suffering from mental health conditions. We have been conditioned to be all of these things. What about showing up for yourself? Taking care of yourself & your needs? Life can be stressful & our bodies are often in a state of constant stress.

When you sit in circle, this is time for you! Listening to the needs of your mind, body & soul. Sharing your struggles, hurts & challenges & hearing others share theirs. Celebrating the wins, the ah-ha moments & connecting with others who are experiencing similar situations.

Realising you are not an outcast because you have these feelings. You are met with support, understanding & compassion. You are offered an opportunity to work through challenging situations & be inspired by those who have been through that process. Hearing others gives you hope.

When we feel loved, supported & nurtured, oxytocin is released. Oxytocin calms the nervous system, strengthening our immune system, lowering our heart rate & blood pressure.

We learn that all of our emotions are completely normal. That they bring with them messages of unsatisfied needs. We share tools to move through these often uncomfortable, overwhelming feelings & find acceptance for them.

Understand you are not broken! Be inspired to take action & move forward in your life.





Moon circles for women are part of your sacred work. How are we connected to the moon?

The moon, also known as Grandmother Moon, affects the waters of our earth. She rules the rhythms of the tides/waters.  We are mostly water & we carry the waters in our womb.

She is associated with feminine intuition & deep inner psyche. She teaches us, intuition, introspection & a strong connection to life cycles.

Women’s cleansing cycle of menstruation is also often known as moon time. There are interesting parallels between us & the moon. For most of us, the moon’s 28-day cycle mirrors our menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is a gift to women. Our power is at our strongest when we bleed. A time to cleanse physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.

Connecting with the moon allows us to find a rhythm of self-care. It amplifies our healing journey & deepens our connection to our body’s wisdom.

Honouring the moon reconnects us with the earth’s rhythms & our own natural cycles. When we are in sync with nature it’s easier to listen to ourselves, which is critical to building a life that actually works for us.

The new & full moons are the most potent times of the Luna cycle.





What is special about the yurt space?

A yurt has a natural way of being special. I feel it has to do with its circular shape. There are no corners or sharp edges, a circle goes on for eternity, it never ends.

The natural materials used in creating a yurt also add to its gentle, peaceful, calming energy.

My intention for the space also creates a special something. My intention is that each & every soul that enters the yurt, feels a loving, nurturing embrace they can release & sink into.





One of your offerings is The Heroines Club empowerment circle. Tell us more.

The Heroines Club is a coming-of-age circle for girls where each month we share the inspiration of a different heroine.

I became aware of how important the connection with my daughter was, as she was getting closer to her teenage years & the transformation that was starting to take place for her.

I discovered Melia Keaton-Digby’s book ‘The Heroines Club’, a curriculum for a Mother-Daughter Empowerment Circle. This felt like the perfect step to take to build on my learning, confidence & deepen my relationship with my daughter.

As our daughters begin to transform into women, they need our love, understanding, connection and support more than ever.

Through thought-provoking discussions, powerful rituals and engaging activities, we explore the lives of athletes, inventors, artists and revolutionaries from different backgrounds. These women are strong role models for our daughters to learn about, look up to and be inspired by.

The Heroines Club creates one on one mother-daughter time. It allows time to open up, in a safe, nurturing space and creates a deeper connection.

I feel so blessed that I found Melia’s book, the journey it has taken my daughter & me on & those who have joined us for The Heroines Club.

For the future, as an extension on the twelve months, I envision bringing heroines from our own community into the mother-daughter circle to deepen the level of inspiration & connect with a person in the here & now.






How can we as mothers/teachers/adults model empowerment & authenticity to our daughters & girls?

Great question Kate! We have to lead by example.

Children learn by osmosis, meaning they learn from what we do. It doesn’t matter how many times you tell them, our children will always do what they have experienced rather than what they are told.

We as mothers/teachers/adults/mentors have to continue to do our own work. Continue to show up & face our own wounds & heal each, as it surfaces. We need to be curious & question everything we do, to find what feels good for us, not what is expected of us.

I have realised recently, I have been people-pleasing. Being, doing & saying what I thought others wanted or expected to hear so I would feel accepted. Somewhere in my past (this has happened for a long time) I was too much for people, or too different, so I trained myself to fit in & be unseen. My journey at this point in time is to find my true authentic self & embrace her fully & completely!

This is where circle supports us with, connection, community, collaboration, love & compassion to work through the things life brings up for us.

Are you being curious with all life has to offer & all that comes up for you?

Are you living your full, true, authentic self?

I know from my own experience these things are easier said than done. If you answered no to the above, start by taking time a little time for yourself. Even if it’s only five minutes a day, it’s a fantastic place to start showing up for yourself & modeling for our children.





Does The Heroines Club nourish both mother & child? How so? Is there healing for the adult’s inner child in this work?


The first thing that came into my mind was the integrative activities. Many of the activities involve creativity, in lots of shapes & forms. How often as a parent do you sit down & create something? With your child as well? In circle there is nothing else to do, other than being fully present in this moment, with your child, creating.

Opening up to your creativity, offers the opportunity to create so many other things in our lives. It can be a form of meditation. Generally, as mothers we don’t have time for creativity.

I heard this recently & it has opened up all kinds of avenues for me –


‘Not all of us are artists, however, we can all be creative.’


Being creative looks completely different for all of us. It might be cooking, sewing, knitting, gardening, painting, drawing, dancing. There are many ways to be creative, we have to create the time to be creative.

The conversations that are had in circle nourish the mother too. A deeper understanding of our inner child presents itself & offers the opportunity for healing. Hearing our children’s challenges can trigger memories for us as adults & this allows us to acknowledge these wounds & create an acceptance for the experiences that created them. These experiences have shaped who we are.

Sharing is another way mothers are nourished during circle. The connection with other mothers, their challenges & the tools they are using to work their way through them, helps us support one another.





How did you have the courage to follow your truth?

Let’s just say, it’s been an interesting journey! And the challenges to keep moving forward, keep coming. There is more learning & growth to be done. Some days it would be easier to just get a job, working for someone else. However, the pull, the draw, the inner knowing that this is my purpose overrides all of these things.

Some days it’s so scary, I freeze & can’t do anything. Some days the resistance is so intense, I want to crawl away & hide under a big rock. However, that feeling, that incredible feeling, of being so blessed to hold space for others while they do their work in circle, drives me to continue.

The deep inner knowing that this work is so incredibly important for the girls to celebrate their menarche & learn the power of the menstrual cycle. How to take care of themselves through each season of their cycle without the expectation of constantly having to be productive. Using their inner summer to be productive & their inner winter to listen to their wisdom & intuition to navigate their way through life.

Being inspired to truly & authentically be ourselves even when it’s so uncomfortable you want to run for the hills. We each have a purpose, a message to share with the world. In The Heroines Club, we are inspired by women & their struggles, who are paving the way for the next generation to live a fuller, empowered life.








What is the greatest gift you receive from this work?

To watch relationships, friendships & people grow by allowing themselves time in sacred space. I have such deep gratitude & reverence for each & every person who steps into the yurt, to show up for themselves & allow themselves to be vulnerable.

It gives me such great pleasure to create & hold sacred space for others.





Which women from throughout history most inspires you?

This is a challenge to find just one, they all offer so much! I would have to say Freda Kahlo.

She chose not to submit to the expectations of society at the time which must have been challenging. Expectations were high. Wearing her monobrow & upper lip hair with pride & using art to express herself & her frustration while being bed-ridden.





Most potent moment of motherhood?

Seeing myself reflected back at me through my daughter.

It’s confronting & uncomfortable, to the point of wanting to run!

It is also an opportunity for me to reflect on how I love myself & take care of myself. I am my harshest critic. I see all of my faults & I’m sure they are exaggerated!

My daughter has been my biggest teacher.





What does being a woman mean to you?

Reclaiming my power!

Reclaiming my power through menstruation. Learning about my inner seasons & the power that each has to offer. Honouring & acknowledging each season. Working with my strengths & nurturing my weakness in each season.

To support & uplift each other. As women, patriarchy has taught us to tear each other down, to protect ourselves. We are stronger together!

Oh my god! We, as women, are so freaking incredible!





The song I live by – ‘I am light’ by India.Arie





To learn more about the power of circle and The Healing Heart get to –






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