Welcome Home Retreat
11-13 October // Wanaka //

Heart, Soul, Shine

Welcome Home. This women’s retreat is for women who have a soul longing for home. Your home of innate wisdom, intuition, power and truth. Your home of feeling safe and empowered to be you.

Join us for a transformative journey at our WELCOME HOME Women’s Retreat. During our time together we explore what ‘Welcome Home’ means:

  • Our inner compass, wisdom, love, soul
  • A place of safety where you can embrace your vulnerability and self-worth
  • It’s the place where you feel like you belong, where you are loved for who you are
  • Building your home inside yourself
  • Tools to overcome inner homelessness
  • Remembering who we are at our essence – a divine being
  • When do we feel ‘at home’?
  • What takes us away from ‘home’?

Immerse yourself in the sublime energies of cacao, breathwork, Yoga, meditation, embodied dance and the femnine art of Qoya, all while indulging in delectable, superhero-inspired wholefoods.

Walk away remembering your home, your deep wise woman power, feeling refreshed, and carrying the radiant energy of this experience as you go forth with your life!

If your heart echoes a resounding ‘HECK YES!’ to this experience, then this retreat is tailor-made for you.

  • Cacao ceremony to open your heart and be welcomed home.
  • Somatic dance to support deeply embodied journeys home.
  • Yoga that respects &  honours the divine feminine.
  • Qoya – a conscious movement practice where we are Wise, Wild & Free.
  • Meditation & Yoga Nidra – deep relaxation and nervous system nourishment.
  • Bespoke accommodation in yurts.
  • All meals are wholefood based and made with lots of aroha by us for you.
  • Nature Ritual.

retreat Programe

Our retreat team are experienced space holders for wahine. We create a safe, inspiring and powerful environment for you to come home to your wisdom.

4.00 pm Arrive and settle in

5.00 pm Welcome Ceremony & Intentions

6.00 pm Yoga & Breath

7.00 pm Evening meal

8.30 pm Yoga Nidra Relaxation



7.30 am Yoga & Meditation

9.00 am Breakfast 

10.00 am Somatic Dance

12.00 pm Lunch & Free Time

3.0o pm Qoya   

5.00 pm Cacao Ceremony

7.00 pm Dinner                               



7.30 am Yoga & Meditation

9.00 am Brunch 

10.00 am Nature Ritual

11.00 am Reflections & Celebration

12.00 pm Retreat Closes

retreat Location

Our Welcome Home women’s retreat is held at Oasis Yurt Lodge located on the elevated Cardrona River terraces in picturesque Wanaka, encircled by mountain vistas and incredible night skies.
Wānaka is believed to be named from Wananga meaning sacred knowledge. This beautiful, lake side settlement in Aotearoa is a magic place to be welcomed home and tap into your sacred knowledge.
Oasis Yurt Lodge
Oasis Yurt Lodge is about relaxation, slowing down and reconnecting with yourself and the inspired women that you share the retreat experience with. Staying in a Yurt reminds us of what is important, giving us the opportunity for simplicity. An avenue to evolve our relationship with nature and those around us which can often be forgotten in our everyday lives & routines. Welcome Home!

Your Hosts

Our retreat team are experieinced space holders for wahine. We create a safe, inspiring and powerful environments for you to step into your wisdom. 

Sarah Menlove
Sarah holds a powerful and grounded space for you to journey into your inner world, dissolving the layers of identity, conditioning and limitation to reconnect and remember who you truly are. Sarah is trained in Cacao Ceremonies, Embodied Dance and Breathwork
Kate Watkinson
Kate has a deep reverence for women and their innate wisdom. A 1000-hour trained Yoga teacher, facilitator of Qoya & meditation, Trauma Sensitive Somatic practitioner, trainee Counsellor and mum to three tamariki.

Accomodation options

Our Welcome Home women’s retreat is held at Oasis Yurt Lodge located on the elevated Cardrona River terraces in picturesque Wanaka. Oasis Yurt Lodge is about relaxation, slowing down and reconnecting with yourself and the inspired women that you share the retreat experience with. Staying in a Yurt reminds us of what is important, giving us the opportunity for simplicity. An avenue to evolve our relationship with nature and those around us which can often be forgotten in our everyday lives & routines. Welcome Home! The yurts contain snuggly NZ pine beds, Pillow Top NZ made Mattresses, NZ Wool duvets and blankets, premium linen and towels, a fire if need be and space to store your belongings. Bathrooms are shared facilities in the main building close by.
Private Yurts – SOLD OUT

The Kanuka (sold), Toi Toi (sold) & Kowhai (sold) are private yurts for x 1 person

This retreat is full. Please contact us if you’d like to join a waitlist.

$1150 early bird pp (registration received by 18 May)

$1500 full price pp

Twin Share

The Tahwai (sold) and Matai are twin share yurts for 2 x people

$950 early bird pp (registration received by 18 May)

$1150 full price pp

There is one available spot in the Matai Yurt which is a shared yurt for two people.

Triple Share – SOLD OUT

Manuka (sold) is a triple share yurt for 3 x people

$850 pp early bird (registration received by 18 May)

$1000 pp full price

This retreat is full. Please contact us if you’d like to join a waitlist.


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