Elemental Prayer of Serenity

In Yoga classes we are currently exploring the five elements of air, ether, water, earth and fire. We journey into embodying the particular element we are focusing on through our asana (postures), pranayama (breath), mudra and intention. I love bringing a deeper theme into Yoga and honouring our connection with nature and source.

Recently I found a version of the classic ‘Prayer of Serenity’ that incorporates the five elements. I have modified it slightly to bring my own creativity into it and include the element of ether which is the ultimate space holder and consciousness from which all other elements are birthed.


Elemental Prayer of Serenity

May the universe grant me,

The power of water, to accept with ease and grace, that which I cannot change.

The power of fire, to change with energy and courage, those things which I can.

The power of ether, to know with intuition and wisdom, which is which.

The power of air, to breathe deeply of this human experience.

The power of earth, to continue with strength and steadfastness, on my journey.


I love this prayer and pray that you too resonate with it.


In exploring the elements in your home practice you might like to bring in these affirmations –

  • Earth – I honour the earth from which I grow
  • Water – I embrace fluidity and purity
  • Fire – I am strong and powerful
  • Air – I breathe in life itself
  • Ether – I am oneness


In your daily life take some conscious moments to align with the five elements –

  • Earth – walk with awareness on the earth, feel the groundedness and support of the earth beneath you.
  • Water – when you drink a glass of water, bless it beforehand and invite the blessings to purify you and fluidly spread through your being.
  • Fire – light a candle and witness the dancing of the flame; the colours, the movement, the power to transform.
  • Air – breathe deeply in nature; fill your entire being with life-force energy.  Feel the dance of the inhalation and exhalation that moves prana through you.
  • Ether – Meditate and come home to the spaciousness, the void, the oneness of your own soul.


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